How to grow Betel leaf plant in pot perfectly?

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Some information about Betel leaf plant. 

Friends consuming betel leaf is very popular in our country. In the past time kings also love to eat it. It is use as a mouth freshner and medicines in aayurved. It's leaf contains vitamins, minerals, antiseptics and anti viral property. Because of lots of benefits it is very good to grow it in our garden so today we will discuss how to grow Betel leaf plant at home in pot perfectly. 

Betel leaf plant is evergreen perennial creping plant. Means it will grow freely in pot every to every year. In our country it is grown commercially in farms. Because it need suitable hot and humid climate which is naturally present in our India. It is unable to grow it in cold climate. If you want to grow betel leaf plant in cold climate then we have to protect it from cold winds. During winter in tropical and subtropical region it's growth will stop. Because winter is it's resting periods. But after winter plant will grow by twice it's speed. Today I will give you lots of information for growing betel leaf plant in pot perfectly.

Growing conditions for Betel leaf plant. 

You can not grow betel leaf plant in full sunlight it need needs filtered sunlight or shady areas. If you grow it in full sunlight then the leaves will burn and fall down. That's why green net is use for growing other commercially. If you are growing it in pot then you should place it in shady area or in balcony. Betel leaf plant is a creping wine so you can also use it for ground covering. After gaining of length 1 meter it produce many side branches. If you are growing it in container then you can use moss sticks for climbing it. You can also grow it in hanging pot like money plant. Betel leaf plant needs needs container with 8 inches minimum depth. It loves and perform good well drained potting mix. Except winter you can grow it in any season. 

How to grow Betel leaf plant? 

You can purchase small betel leaf plant from nursery and you can also grow it from cutting. For growing it in pot we will need a pot with drainage hole, good quality potting mix and a moss stick. Firstly you have to take moss stick, place it in the center of pot and fill half of the pot with good quality potting mix. After filling half of the plant then tear the nursery betel leaf plant's polythene and carefully place the root ball on the half filled potting mix and fill all pot with potting mix. 

In the next step we train it for climbing on the moss stick. So that we have to tie it to the moss stick with the help of zip tie. If you don't have zip tie then you can use jute thread. After some time small climbing roots will came out from node area that will help the plant to anchor itself with moss stick. After doing after this things you have to water it frequently.

Water requirements of Betel leaf plant. 

It's potting mix should always in moist condition. You have to water it thoroughly whenever the potting mix's uppermost level starts to dry. You have to water betel leaf plant very less during winter because winter is the resting season of it. 

Fertilizer requirements of Betel leaf plant. 

Betel leaf plant does not need any type of chemical fertilizer. You have to add nitrogen fertilizers like vermi compost, well decomposed cow dung manure and tea leaf manure every month march to October. 

The second fertilizer is the solution made from sea weed extract. For making this solution you have to take 10 drops of sea weed extract (kelp meal) and dilute it in 1 litre of water. You have to use this solution after 2 months. 

In the rainy days your betel leaf plant can face pests like syder mids so you have to spray neem oil solution after every week. 

Don't use any fertilizer in winter season. 

How to propagate Betel leaf plant? 

You can propagate Betel leaf plant by root division and stem cutting. In rainy season you can propagate it successfully by stem cutting method because in this days plant growth will be in peak. For growing it from cutting just take 8 to 10 inches long cutting. You will see some small roots come out from node area. Cut 3 to 4 leaf from bottom of cutting. 

After cutting leaves you have to take one small pot with drainage hole and fill it with coco peat. After filling coco peat in pot make a slanting hole of depth 2 to 3 inches and put the cutting in that hole. Water the coco peat thoroughly and place the pot in shaded area. After 1 to 2 weeks roots will develop in coco peat then you can transplant it in good quality potting mix. If you don't know how to make good quality potting mix then you can read our other article on it. 

Important tips for growing Betel leaf plant. 

Sunlight requirements for Betel leaf plant? 

Betel leaf plant is a shade loving plant but it will not survive in indoor complete shade. It needs very low sunlight but the sunlight should be filtered. 

Pruning method for Betel leaf plant. 

After maturing the plant will not able to handle it's old leaves so we have to prun it regularly.

How to harvesting Betel leaf ? 

While harvesting firstly you have to harvest it's old leaves. In winter if the outdoor sunlight is below than 5°C then you have shift it in warm place where artificial sunlight is will present.


1. What is the difference between betel leaf and money plant leaf ? 

Ans:- Money plant belongs to pothos family and contains poison so that so can not eat it. But other case betel leaf plant is edible so that you can eat it. 

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