8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Hello friends welcome to our new article. I am TJ , friends when plants that are grown in pot is giving lots of fruits the happiness will be infinite. It is very easy to grow flowers in pot but in fruit plants the chances of getting fruit is very low. In all fruit plants fruit will produce after flowering. So that's why it is difficult to maintain the health of fruit plants. So for that you will need to study about that plant if you don't have knowledge of growing plants in pot then you can read other articles on that. Friends today I will tell you 8 fruit plants that you can grow in pot easily.


8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Friends straberry is a perennial plant of temperate climate which produce fruits in all season. But it can happen only when the temperature is between 15°C to 28°C.In our India you can only grow between September, October to March, April. Despite of very few months it can grow very beautiful and you will able to harvest it. I have taken it on the first position because of it's low place requirements.

Straberry plant is a shallow root plant that you can grow it in hanging basket also. This plant can survive 4 to 5 years. However every year between August to October it produce lots of runners which will help you to propagate it. Friends straberry plant loves well drained and organically rich potting mix. If you don't know how to make good quality potting mix then you can read a complete article on it. But you should remember that the PH (Power of Hydrogen) level of potting mix is between 5.5 to 6.5 . 

You should never use calcium fertilizer to straberry plant. Because this fertilizer can increase the alcanality this may become the reason of your plant death. To make your plant able for fruiting you have to give 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight. During fruiting season you have to do regular watering. As a organic fertilizer in fruiting season you can use bone meal, vermi compost and neem cake powder. For any type of pest or insect's attack you can use neem oil spray as a pesticide after 1 week. 

Calamondin orange. 

8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Many of the people grow Calamondin orange as a decorative plant but you can eat it's fruit.In South Asian countries Calamondin orange is very popular fruit. It belongs to Rutaceae family. Orange like fruit is relatively small than normal orange. It's fruit's diameter is approximately 1 to 1.5 inches. It's peels are very sensitive and sweet in taste whereas the inner pulp taste like the combination of lemon and orange. It's fruits are use for making refreshing drink, muraba, jam, jelly, etc. 

You can also grow calamondin orange in 12 inches pot. You can grow it indoor as well as outdoor. But if you want to get fruits from it, then you have to ensure that it is getting minimum 4 to 5 hours of sunlight daily. In the starting ,the colour of fruit will be dark green whereas after maturing it will convert into golden and finally it will become orange in colour. It's potting mix should well drained and organically rich.

You have to water calamondin orange when the potting mix's half inch uppermost layer is becoming dry. However when during fruiting season, soil should always moist. As a fertilizer you have to add neem cake powder, vermi compost, bone meal and banana peel liquid fertilizer. If you don't know how to make banana peel liquid fertilizer then you can read our other article on it. For any pest control after 1 week you have to spray neem oil and water solution regularly. 

Key lemon. 

8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Key lemon is one of my favorite fruit plant. It is my favorite because it's peels are very thin and pulp very juicy. It loves slightly acidic, well drained and organically rich potting mix. This plant needs regular and deep watering. But remember that water should not retain on the soil surface. 

Key lemon loves hot and humid climate so that's why you have to place it on the sunny location. In the hot climate you have to spray water on the whole plant so that the air will be humid. In the growing periods you have to use nitrogen rich fertilizers whereas during flowering you have to use phosphorus and pottasium rich fertilizer. As a organic fertilizer you can use vermi compost, neem cake powder, mustard cake powder and some amount of bone meal every month. If your plant is facing pests or insects attack so that you have to spray neem oil and water solution every week. 

If you want to know how to grow key lemon in pot? then you can read our other article. 

Thailand Guava. 

8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Thailand Guava is also known as 1 kg guava. This size of that guava plant is 200g to 400g. It contains very less seeds and very sweet pulp. By my thoughts it is the best variety of guava plant for growing in pot. Guava plant performs best in hot and dry weather. 

Thailand guava can easily tolerate extreme hot and extreme cold conditions. You can grow it in almost all types of soil. Even then for growing it in pot we will need well drained and organically rich potting mix. Guava plant  give fruits twice a year so that's why it needs more fertilizers. To initiate flowering you can use phosphorus rich fertilizer and after flowering when fruits start to produce you can use potassium rich fertilizer to get more fruits. 

You can use the spray of micro nutrients time to time for increasing the immune system. For increasing fruit's size you can to use epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) after fruit development. Friends guava plant is a fast growing plant which produce flowers only on new grown branches. That's why if you are growing it in pot then it is very important to prun it's branches regularly. Every time after fruiting you to prun it's 1/3 branches and cut out all the leaves. 

Thailand guava the plant is growing straight to up side then you have to bend it with the help of rope. After some days new axolarry branches will come out from old branches so that the fruiting will increase. To prevent any pests in guava plant you spray neem oil and water solution on the whole plant every week. In the form of organic fertilizer you can use vermi compost, neem cake powder, compost tea and banana peel liquid fertilizer. 

If you want to read complete article on how to grow guava plant then you can read our other article on it. 


8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Fig is extremely nutritive and tasty fruit which also contains medicinal properties. It's circle size fruits have a diameter of 1.5 to 2 inches. After ripening the colour will convert into slightly golden. We can eat fig fruit with it's peels and seeds also. Generally it's plant is a spreading plant but nowadays it is available in various varieties that you can easily grow in pot. 

Warm and tropical climate is best for growing fig plant in pot. Like guavas it produce fruit fruits twice a year first time in ending of summer and second time starting of autumn season. There is no any need of specific potting mix for growing fig plant. But we are growing it in pot so we will need well drained and ph should be nuitral to slightly acidic. It is important to give 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight to get best result. 

Normally fig plant's water requirement is very low so you have to have it when the potting mix's surface is starting to dry. Like guavas it also produce fruits only on new branches so after fruiting as required you have to prun it's old branches. So that it will help us to control it's height and new branches will come out that will produce more fruits. As a organic fertilizer you can add vermi compost, neem cake powder, mustard cake powder and bone meal on the surface of potting soil. Other than this during fruit development you can use epsom salt and calcium nitrate to increase the quality of fruits.

As a pesticide you can use the spray of neem oil and water solution every after 15 days. 


8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Like calamondin orange kumquat plant is also highly decorative plant . But it's fruit are in round shape. It's peel are sweet in flavor whereas inner pulp is sour. You can eat it with it's peels also. In South Asian countries it is gift as a good luck plant. 

Kumquat's fruits are appeared in yellow colour. You can make murabba,jam and jelly from it's ripped fruits. In nursery it is found as a Chinese mosambi. If you grow this plant in ground then it will gain the height of 8 to 11 feets but in pot it will not grow like that. The thrones are almost negligible in this plant. The size of the fruit is 1 to 1.5 inches diameter. 

This plant Kumquat loves hot and humid climate but with this it is a cold hardy plant that can easily survive in -10°C. We cannot grow it from seed because the plant grown from seed will not produce more fruits so it is grafted on orange plant. It's fertilizer requirements are same as calamondin orange that I have told you earlier. 

Apple Ber. 

8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Normally the fruit of apple ber is large in size and appeared like apple but the flavor is like ber. We can grow it's grafted plant in pot also. It spreads in very few time and produce lots of fruits. Flowering starts after end of monsoon and become ready to harvest in winter season. In summer season it goes to dormant condition so that it will not need more water whereas during fruiting season it will need more water. 

For growin apple ber in pot the potting mix should be well drained and organically rich. This plant also produce fruits only on new branches so that's why it's pruning is very important. During summer it goes to dormant condition so you have prun it. You have to remove infected branches regularly. As a organic fertilizer you can use the fertilizers that I have told you earlier. As a pesticide you can spray the solution of neem oil and water every after 15 days. 

Pomogranate / Anar. 

8 Fruit plants that you can grow in pot.| How to grow fruit plants in pot?

Nowodays the dwarf varieties of pomogranate are now available for growing it in pot. The read flowers and fruits makes it highly decorative. Hot climate is best for growing it in pot that's why you have to place it where it will sufficient sunlight. It's water requirements will decrease when it will completely established itself. You have to water it when the potting mix's surface starts to dry. 

Be remember that you have to water your pomogranate till the water is not coming through drainage hole. It's potting mix should be well drained, slightly acidic and organically rich. You can grow it's plant during the end of winter. As a organic fertilizer you can use well decomposed cow dung manure and vermi compost. Other than this you can use neem cake powder and company tea for increasing quality of fruits. 

Important things that you have to remember while buying new plant from nursery. 

Friends remember that if you are buying any fruit plants from nursery then you have to check that the plant is not grown directly by seed. For growing fruit plants in pot you should always choose plant that is grafted or air layered. Because they start flowering within a year. 


When is the best time to plant strawberry in Nagaland?

Ans:- You can only grow straberry plant between September, October to March, April.

How much will be height of orange plant after 14 month? 

Ans:- 8 to 10 feets. 

Can we grow lemon and chilli in same pot?

Ans:- No, because lemon plant needs more space for growing its roots. 

Can I graft guava plant in neem tree? 

Ans:- No, because they belongs to different varieties. 

What is the difference between grape plant and fig tree? 

Ans:- Grape plant is a climbing plant but fig plant is a hard woody plant

What is the time to sow kumquats in India?

Ans:- You can grow it between February to March and August to October. 

What type of organic Khad be given to the Apple BER plant after pruning?

Ans:- As a organic fertilizer you can add vermi compost, neem cake powder, mustard cake powder and bone meal on the surface of potting soil after prunning. Other than this during fruit development you can use epsom salt and calcium nitrate to increase the quality of fruits.

Can we give tea waste to pomegranate plant?

Ans:- Yes. 

If you have any questions in your mind then you can ask me by the help of comment box. 

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