7 Tips for growing Thailand Guava plant in pot perfectly.

Hello guys myself TJ and in this post you will be get rid of all the queries of growing guava in a container. Guava is rich in nutrients and it has delicious taste. It can grow in any type of soil. It is available to every place. A guava is also called a poor people's apple. It is grow commercial in tropical and subtropical climate. If you are growing guava in ground then it will not need any type of fertilizer treatment. If you are growing it in pot so it is not any easy task. It will need perfect ratio of organic matter in the potting mix. Don't mind I will give you a excellent knowledge of growing guava in pot read bellow.

Selection of plant. 

There are so many varieties of guava. But for growing in pot I suggest Thailand Guava variety. It is also called 1 kg. It is a tropical variety of guava in South Asia countries like Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. It's fruit larger than in size compare to another guava variety. It's one fruit weight normally 200 to 400 grams. It's fruit are very sweet and Crispy. It's fruit contains lots of ascorbic acid, seeds in low amount and has white tasty pulp. It has high demand in international market. The third special ability of Thailand guava is that to produce fruits twice a year. It's first harvesting is done between March and April and second harvesting is done in monsoon between July to August. In two season it produce same quality fruits. 

You can grow this second hybrid guava plant that is called Lalit. You can grow it from grafting and air layering also. It's fruits weight normally between 100 to 150 grams. This variety of guava's pulp is pink in color. But it is not better than Thailand guava. So remember that one thing when you are purchasing a guava plant confirmed that the plant is grown air layering or grafting process. Plant that grown from seeds is not better to in pot. Plant that is grown from seeds will take at least 3 to 6 years to produce fruits. But plant grown from grafting or air layering process will produce fruits only after 1 year. Plant is grown by air layering process doesn't have tap roots and have only fibrous roots that not goes deep into soil. So this type of plant is perfect for growing in pot.

Growing conditions. 

When you buy grafted or air layered plant from nursery. The plant should 1 feet to 1.5 feet in length. It is better to buy air layered plant because it doesn't contains tap root. In the Indian climate best time of growing it is between February to March and June to August. Guava loves hot and dry climate. It also can grow in resist cold weather but when it is grown itself well. So remember that to don't plant it in winter season. 

Potting mix. 

Though, Guava can grow in every type of soil. But for growing in pot the soil should be well drain and rich in organic matter. The soil ph should lie in between 4.5 to 7 . The recipe of making potting soil for Guava garden soil 40% , river sand 10% , cocopeat 20%, fully decompose cow dung manure 20% and vermi compost 10%. All this ingredients you have to add more things in this potting mix. This is mustard cake powder 100g , neem cake powder 100 g and bone meal 100g . This type of potting mix is best for your new plant. 

Selection of pot. 

In the starting you can grow your Guava plant in 10 inches pot also. But after one year In the spring you have to shift it in 12 to 15 inches pot. When your plant will gain 3 to 3.5 feet hight .Then it's time to shift it in 18 inches or more size pot. 

Plant care. 

Always keep your Guava plant at a location where it can receive 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight. It grows best in tropical and sub tropical region. It needs deep watering in regular interval of time. If it's potting mix is always moist then it will perform it's best. If soil is low In moisture, flowering may be delayed. You should have to water it daily. But the interval of watering will depend on the climate, heat and dryness in air. 

Fertilizer requirements. 

Friends, in tropical climate the Guava plant produce fruits twice a year. Because of heavy fruiting Guava plant need high fertilization . As the maturing of plant increase the fertilizer requirements will also be increase. In the growing season it needs nitrogen and phosphorus rich fertilizer. In the fruiting season it needs potassium rich fertilizer. In the potted plant you should not use chemical fertilizers. Because the regular use of chemical fertilizers salt accumulated in our potting soil, so that it affects to our potting mix and plant is not able to withstand and finally, due to root rot plant dies. That's why I prefer you should use only organic fertilizer. So friend see what are these organic fertilizer. 

In this organic fertilizer you have to take well decompose cow dung manure and vermi compost each quantity 500 gram. Also take 3 more things each quantity 100g that are mustard cake powder, neem cake powder and bone meal mix all these things well. Sprinkle this organic mixture to the plant mai  stem's potting soil. You can see that on the top layer soil has plant's fibrous roots. This roots will absorb essential nutrients from this organic mixture. Friends you have to use this organic mixture 4 times a year every after 3 months. First time between February to March, second time May to June, third time August to September and the last fourth time November to December you have to use this fertilizer. After adding this fertilizer at 2 to 3 inches of mulch. For mulching you can use dry leaves, wood chips, coco coir or rice husk .After adding mulch place the broken pot's piece that  will prevent to fly over the mulch by strong  winds . At last after doing all this water the plant deeply. 

In the liquid fertilizer the first is "Sagrika" Which is the product of IFFCO. It is excreted from oceanic algae which is rich in macro and micro nutrients. This is also known as sea weed extract . It provides essential nutrients to our plants. Take 5 ml sea weed extract and mix it in 1 lt of water. Spray this solution bon the entire plant Every month. 

The second liquid fertilizer is 19:19:19 and Epsom salt that is also known as magnesium sulphate. This two are chemical fertilizers. Take each fertilizer 1 tablespoon and mix it in 1 litre of water. Spray the solution on the entire plant every month. Use this fertilizer after 2 weeks of using seaweed fertilizer. 

The third fertilizer is a self made fertilizer that I made using bananas. This is a potassium rich fertilizer the process of making this fertilizer is below the article. Because of rich in potassium you can use it from flowering to fruiting every week. Take this fertilizer's 10 to 15 ml and dissolve it in 1 litre water. Spray the solution on the entire plant that will improve root quality and decrease the number of foilage. 

Flowering and fruiting technique. 

The important flowering and fruiting technique is pruning . The plant produce flowers only in new grown branches . The branches should grown from main stem then only the flowers will produced. Then it is very important to prun it . So remember that prun the branches of Guava plant after harvesting fruits. You have to also prun the infected branches. You can see after 10 to 15 days the new shoots will be grown from prun branches. The new branches that will grow will produce the flowers and fruits.

 Pest control. 

The Guava plant is very sensitive about fungus. For example drying the top shoots, burning of leaves drying after getting pale, blackening of the branches, root rot, etc. It is proven that if the plant is weak then it is very important to take care. So regularly fertilize your Guava plant properly. So for getting rid of your plant's fungal and bacterial infection. Use neem cake powder in soil properly. Use neem oil or neem and garlic extract every after 2 weeks. If do you want a article in neem and garlic extract on my site comment in the comment box. Although you can use 2 grams of copper oxychloride in 1 litre of water. Mix the solution well and spray on the whole plant. By Using all these pesticides you can prevent most of the disease to your plant. Friends if you have any queries in your mind comment below in the comment box.

You may also read. 

8 fruit plants that you can grow in pot.

How to make good quality potting mix. 

How to grow lemon plant in pot perfectly. 

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