How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant - TJ Gardening

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

So hello friends welcome to our new article. Friends today we will discuss all about the rose plant care. Hope you guess are very happy and healthy. SO LET'S GET STARTED. 

Some information about rose plant. 

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

Friends Rose grows best in temperate climate means such a climate which never goes on its extreme temperature and only lies between 18°C to 25°. But in our Indian climate our rose plant will not get like this temperature whole year. In the starting of winter and ending of winter our rose plant will get like this temperature. That's why in this during this time rose plant's flowering goes in peak. Rose is also a heavy feeder plant so it needs fertilizer regularly. 

Deficiency of fertilizers may the reason of plant's death. The two seasons summer and monsoon are very difficult for it. Due to excess of heat and humidity the possibility of fungus and pest infestation increases. That's why you have to take care of it like a little kid.

In this article I will tell you all about the fertilizer requirements for rose plant. 

2 Important requirements for growing rose plant perfectly. 

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

The first important requirement of rose plant is 6 hours of direct sunlight. If you give less sunlight then the quality and quantity of flowers may decrease. But in hot season you have to move your potted rose plant to shady area. If you are not able to change it's location then you can use green net to filter sunlight. In rainy season the green net should be removed because in this season the humidity increases. 

The second important thing for rose plant is watering, it's potting mix should always in moist condition and never become completely dry. That's why whenever you feel like the soil is starting to dry then you have to water quickly. There is not any fix interval to re-water it. In cold weather you have to water it 2 to 3 times a week but in hot weather you have to water it daily. If your potting mix is of sandy nature then also water requirements be increases and it also affects on the pot size. 

Apart from this if your rose plant is in growth period, new branches are coming or flowering is now starting then also the water requirement will be increases.  So this means that you have to check that in which stage your plant is after that you have to decide when to water it. There are some important things that you have remember while watering. Don't water rose plant before sunrise and after sunset. While watering the leaves should not wet because wet leaves may cause fungal infection. 

Always water your rose plant deeply. Rose plant needs slightly humid atmosphere so that's why you have to spray water with sprayer to whole plant. By doing that it will wash the leaves by that dust and pests will wash off. 

Advantages and disadvantages of chemical and organic fertilizers in Rose plant. 

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

I have told you earlier that the rose plant is heavy feeder that's why apart from nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium it needs copper, sulfur, magnesium, iron, zinc and Manganese. So friends today I will tell you some organic and chemical fertilizers. But before I will you the pros and cons of that fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers have more power and nutrient in more quantity compared to organic fertilizers. But plant's can't utilizes it completely so that's why after mixing in potting mix it converts into non usable compound. 

Because of that it not lasts for long time and it also makes soil salty. Due to this the ability of taking nutrients from soil decreases. The other side organic fertilizers are relatively less in nutrients. In spite of less nutrients it has sufficient quantity of humas. It increases micro organisms in the soil and retain nutrients for long time in potting soil. 

How to make organic solid fertilizer for Rose plant and how to use it? 

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

The first recipe of making organic fertilizer is  40% vermi compost, 20% tea leaf manure means the compost of used tea leaves, 20% nerm cake powder,10% bone meal and the last thing is 10% fish meal. After mixing it properly it will ready to use . You have to take this organic mixture 50 to 100 grams and spread it on potting soil's surface. After spreading you have to take a small sharp object and mix it well in the potting mix. In small age small rose plant you have to add it 50 grams and in mature rose plant you have to add it 100 grams. 

You have to add this fertilizer every month with this method. You can use it every season. After adding fertilizer you have water your rose plants thoroughly. 

How to make organic liquid fertilizer for rose plant and how to use it? 

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

The second organic fertilizer for rose plant is a liquid fertilizer. For making this fertilizer you have to take a bucket and 5 litre of water the things that you have to add in that water are :- The first thing is mustard cake 100 grams, the second thing is neem cake 200 grams, the third thing is banana peel 200 grams, the fourth thing is orange peels 200 grams and the fifth and last thing is jaggery and water solution in place of jaggery you can take molasses. After adding all this thing you have to place this bucket on shady but warm area for 10 days. Every day you have to stir it for 5 minutes. After 10 days you have to filter it with any cloth and store it any air tight container. 

The best liquid fertilizer is ready for your rose plant. You can store this liquid fertilizer in air tight container as long as you want. Before using it you must have mix it with water. You have mix 50 ml this liquid fertilizer with 1 liter of water . You can use this organic liquid fertilizer every week on your rose plant. You can use it in all season. 

How to make organic liquid fertilizer from sea weed extract (kelp meal) that you can spray on rose plant and how to use it? 

How to Care and Fertilize Rose plant perfectly | How to make fertilizer for rose plant.

Sea weed extract is made from the weeds that are grown in sea or ocean. It contains potassium and other micro nutrients. The second liquid fertilizer that you have to use it with sea weed extract is PGP (Plant Growth Pramoter) Fertilizer. It helps in balanced growth of plant and prevent stress. 

Firstly you have to take 1 litre of water then you have to add 15 drops of sea weed extract and 10 drops of PGP fertilizer. After that, you can to spray it on whole plant. You can to spray it during evening. You can repeat it after 3 weeks. 

How to make chemical fertilizer for rose plant and how to use it?

In this chemical formula you have to take 10 grams water soluble NPK 19:19:19 fertilizer, potassium sulfate 5 grams, calcium nitrate 5 grams,epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) 10 grams and mix them in 10 litre water. You can use this fertilizer depending upon their age. But normally you use half of this fertilizer in small size plant and 1 litre in big size plants. Before using this fertilizer you have to water your rose plant thoroughly and then you have to give this fertilizer. You can repeat this fertilizer every after 3 to 4 weeks.

How to prevent micro nutrients deficiency in rose plant. 

The above chemical fertilizer that I have told you not a complete fertilizer it will not give supply beneficial micro nutrients to plants. For the micro nutrients you can buy micro nutrients fertilizers from market. You can mix 10 drops of micro nutrients liquid in 1 litre water and spray it on whole plant to supply micro nutrients to plants. You can repeat this fertilizer every after a month. Be remember that you should not use chemical and organic fertilizers at the same time.

Normally you can see pest infestation in seasons like summer and monsoon. That's why it very important to use pesticides and fungicides at a regular intervals. 

How to make organic pesticide for rose plant? 

In this organic recipe you have to take 10 grams baking soda , 2 drops of mild liquid soap, 10 ml neem oil and mix them in 1 litre water. You can spray this solution in evening and remember that the bottom leaves are also getting wet by this solution. You can repeat this solution every after 1 week. If you use this solution regularly then your plant will always pest free. 

How to make chemical pesticide for rose plant? 

For making this chemical treatment the first thing is that you have to take is 2 grams of fungicide made from mancozeb and carbendazim , the thing is 10 drops of imidacloprid , the third thing is a mixture of chlorpyriphos and cypermethrin and now you have to mix it properly and spray on your whole rose plant. You have to use any fertilizer or pesticide during evening. You have to use it every after 15 days. 

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